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Perfect: Feeling Judged on Social Media

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Social media is replete with images of 'perfection'. But many are unrealistic and contribute to a pervasive sense of never being good enough: not thin enough; not pretty enough; not cool enough. Try too hard and you risk being condemned for being ‘attention-seeking’, don't try hard enough and you're slacking.

Rosalind Gill challenges polarized perspectives that see young women as either passive victims of social media or as savvy digital natives. She argues the real picture is far more ambivalent. Getting likes and followers and feeling connected to friends feels fantastic, but posting material and worrying about 'haters' causes significant anxieties.

Gill uses young women's own words to show how they feel watched all the time; worry about getting things wrong; and struggle to live up to an ideal of being 'perfect' yet at the same time ‘real’.

It's the wake-up call we all need.

Author: Gill Rosalind
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781509549719
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Introduction: Perfect: Feeling judged on social media
Chapter 1: Life on my phone
Chapter 2: Picture perfect: The power of images
Chapter 3: The beauty industry on my phone
Chapter 4: Being watched, judged and harassed
Chapter 5: The work of being social
Chapter 6: Fear of getting it wrong
Conclusion: Feeling judged

Rosalind Gill is Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at City, University of London.

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