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Religious Epistemology

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If epistemology is roughly the study of knowledge, justification, warrant, and rationality, then religious epistemology is the study of how these epistemic concepts relate to religious belief and practice. This Element, while surveying various religious epistemologies, argues specifically for Plantingian religious epistemology. It makes the case for proper functionalism and Plantinga's AC models, while it also responds to debunking arguments informed by cognitive science of religion. It serves as a bridge between religious epistemology and natural theology.

Author: McNabb Tyler Dalton
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9781108457538
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2019

1. Religious epistemology

2. The plausibility of proper functionalism and reformed epistemology

3. Cognitive science of religion and debunking arguments

4. From epistemology to natural theology.

Tyler Dalton McNabb, Houston Baptist University

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