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Short Cuts: Economics: Navigate Your Way Through the Big Ideas

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Your expert guide to understanding the models, morals, minefields and mechanisms of the modern global marketplace.

What with trickle down and level up, boom and bust, stimulus and stagflation, green investment and Black Monday, the modern landscape of economics is an intriguing place to explore. But how are you expected to navigate the means and ends of this turbulent world?

Short Cuts: Economics provides the map you need to start exploring seriously big ideas. A wealth of provocative questions prompt ‘short cut’ answers written by experts in their field, with each one the setting-off point for instructions to help you plot your path through the economic maze.

Author: Pettinger Tejvan
Publisher: ICON BOOKS
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781837731084
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2024

Tejvan Pettinger teaches economics at Greenes College, Oxford. He studied at Bradford Grammar School and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and writes regularly on economics for publications including the Economic Review. His previous published books include Cracking Economics and What Would Keynes Do? Tejvan lives in Oxford and is a championship-winning hill climb and time trial cyclist.

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