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The Art of Mathematics – Take Two: Tea Time in Cambridge

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Lovers of mathematics, young and old, professional and amateur, will enjoy this book. It is mathematics with fun: a collection of attractive problems that will delight and test readers. Many of the problems are drawn from the large number that have entertained and challenged students, guests and colleagues over the years during afternoon tea. The problems have their roots in many areas of mathematics. They vary greatly in difficulty: some are very easy, but most are far from trivial, and quite a few rather hard. Many provide substantial and surprising results that form the tip of an iceberg, providing an introduction to an important topic. To enjoy and appreciate the problems, readers should browse the book choosing one that looks particularly enticing, and think about it on and off for a while before resorting to the hint or the solution. Follow threads for an enjoyable and enriching journey through mathematics.

  • Aimed at a broad audience ranging from professional mathematicians to interested amateurs
  • Introduces many important areas of mathematics via an entertaining mix of problems
  • Includes over 100 problems, with helpful hints and solutions
Author: Bollobas Bela
Pages: 348
ISBN: 9781108978262
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2022

1. Problems
2. Hints
3. Solutions.

Béla Bollobás has been a Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, for over fifty years, for decades as a Director of Studies in Mathematics, teaching the very best undergraduates in England, and is the Chair of Excellence in Combinatorics at the University of Memphis. He has had over seventy Ph.D. students. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Member of the Academia Europaea, and a Foreign Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Among the awards he has received are a Senior Whitehead Prize (2007), a Bocskai Prize (2016), a Széchenyi Prize (2017) and an Honorary Doctorate from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. This is his thirteenth book.

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