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The Brain's Way of Healing: Stories of Remarkable Recoveries and Discoveries

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The Brain's Way of Healing explores the astonishing advances in the discovery of neuroplasticity, showing that the brain has its own unique way of healing, only recently uncovered. Norman Doidge discusses a series of remarkable recoveries: patients told they would never improve have years of chronic pain alleviated or damage from debilitating strokes undone, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, autism or learning disorders are reversed. He also shows how the risk of dementia can be lowered by 60%. Using stories to present cutting-edge science, Doidge illustrates principles that everyone can apply to improve their brain's performance.

Author: Doidge Norman
Publisher: PENGUIN
Pages: 432
ISBN: 9780141980805
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2016

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