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The Economics of Creative Destruction: New Research on Themes from Aghion and Howitt

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A stellar cast of economists examines the roles of creative destruction in addressing today’s most important political and social questions.

Inequality is rising, growth is stagnant while rents accumulate, the environment is suffering, and the COVID-19 pandemic exposed every crack in the systems of global capitalism. How can we restart growth? Can our societies be made fairer? Editors Ufuk Akcigit and John Van Reenen assemble a world-leading group of social scientists and theorists to consider these questions and, in particular, how ideas about the economics of creative destruction may help solve the problems we face.

Most closely associated with Joseph Schumpeter, formalized by Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt in the 1990s, the idea of innovation as creative destruction has become foundational in economics, reaching into almost every corner of the discipline—both theoretically and empirically. Now, at a time of rapid and disorienting change, is an opportune moment to pull the disparate strands of research together to assess what has been learned and continue an intellectual project that can aid economic decision-making in the decades to come.

The cutting-edge work in The Economics of Creative Destruction focuses on innovation and growth. Contributors offer illuminating insights into monopoly and inequality, the nature of the social safety net, climate change, and the ups and downs of regulation. Collectively, they suggest that governance has a role to play in capitalism, maximizing its benefits and minimizing its risks.

Authors: Akcigit Ufuk, Van Reenen John
Pages: 784
ISBN: 9780674270367
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023
  • Foreword [Emmanuel Macron]
  • Introduction [Ufuk Akcigit and John Van Reenen]
  • I. Overview
    • 1. Innovation and Growth Policy [Edmund S. Phelps]
    • 2. Creative Destruction and Economic Growth [Ufuk Akcigit]
  • II. Competition and International Trade
    • 3. Product Market Competition, Creative Destruction, and Innovation [Rachel Griffith and John Van Reenen]
    • 4. Innovation, Antitrust Enforcement, and the Inverted-U [Richard Gilbert, Christian Riis, and Erlend Riis]
    • 5. Innovation Networks and Business-Stealing [Matthew O. Jackson, Antoine Mayerowitz, and Abhijit V. Tagade]
    • 6. Trade and Innovation [Marc J. Melitz and Stephen J. Redding]
  • III. Inequality and Labor Markets
    • 7. Inequality and Creative Destruction [Richard Blundell, Xavier Jaravel, and Otto Toivanen]
    • 8. Labor Market Dynamics When Ideas Are Harder to Find [Adrien Bilal, Niklas Engbom, Simon Mongey, and Giovanni L. Violante]
    • 9. When Workers’ Skills Become Unbundled: Some Empirical Consequences for Sorting and Wages [Oskar Nordström Skans, Philippe Choné, and Francis Kramarz]
  • IV. Growth Measurement and Growth Decline
    • 10. Productivity Slowdown: Reducing the Measure of Our Ignorance [Timo Boppart and Huiyu Li]
    • 11. Productivity Growth and Real Interest Rates: A Circular Relationship [Antonin Bergeaud, Gilbert Cette, and Rémy Lecat]
    • 12. The Depth and Breadth of the Step-by-Step Innovation Framework [Sina T. Ates]
  • V. The Environment: Green Innovation and Climate Change
    • 13. Harnessing Creative Destruction to the Tackling of Climate Change: Purpose, Pace, Policy [Nicholas Stern]
    • 14. Science as Civil Society: Implications for a Green Transition [Timothy Besley and Torsten Persson]
    • 15. Climate Policy in Need of Plan B [Christer Fuglesang and John Hassler]
    • 16. Directed Technical Change and Environmental Economics [Antoine Dechezleprêtre and David Hémous]
  • VI. Development and Political Economy
    • 17. Creative Destruction, Distance to Frontier, and Economic Development [Michael Peters and Fabrizio Zilibotti]
    • 18. Socialism, Capitalism, State Capitalism, and Innovation [Gérard Roland]
    • 19. Lobbying behind the Frontier [Matilde Bombardini, Olimpia Cutinelli-Rendina, and Francesco Trebbi]
    • 20. Barriers to Creative Destruction: Large Firms and Nonproductive Strategies [Salomé Baslandze]
  • VII. Finance
    • 21. Finance and Growth: Firm Heterogeneity and Creative Destruction [Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan and Felipe Saffie]
    • 22. Creative Destruction, Finance, and Firm Dynamics [Murat Alp Çelik]
  • VIII. Taxation
    • 23. Taxation, Innovation, and Economic Growth [Charles I. Jones]
    • 24. The Effects of Taxes on Innovation: Theory and Empirical Evidence [Stefanie Stantcheva]
  • IX. Science
    • 25. Of Academics and Creative Destruction: Startup Advantage in the Process of Innovation [Julian Kolev, Alexis Haughey, Fiona Murray, and Scott Stern]
    • 26. Creative Destruction or Destructive Creation? A Prelude to the Industrial Revolution [Joel Mokyr]
  • Conclusion: The Promise of the Creative Destruction Paradigm [Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt]
  • Index

Ufuk Akcigit is Arnold C. Harberger Professor in Economics at the University of Chicago.

John Van Reenen is Ronald Coase School Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Digital Fellow in the Initiative on the Digital Economy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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