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The Invisible Universe: Why There’s More to Reality than Meets the Eye

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From the discovery of entirely new kinds of galaxies to a window into cosmic ‘prehistory', Bothwell shows us the Universe as we've never seen it before - literally.

Since the dawn of our species, people all over the world have gazed in awe at the night sky. But for all the beauty and wonder of the stars, when we look with just our eyes we are seeing and appreciating only a tiny fraction of the Universe. What does the cosmos have in store for us beyond the phenomena we can see, from black holes to supernovas? How different does the invisible Universe look from the home we thought we knew? Dr Matt Bothwell takes us on a journey through the full spectrum of light and beyond, revealing what we have learned about the mysteries of the Universe.

This book is a guide to the ninety-nine per cent of cosmic reality we can't see - the Universe that is hidden, right in front of our eyes. It is also the endpoint of a scientific detective story thousands of years in the telling. It is a tour through our Invisible Universe.

Author: Bothwell Matthew
Publisher: ONEWORLD
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780861541249
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2021

Dr Matt Bothwell is Public Astronomer at the University of Cambridge and a science communicator who gives astronomy talks and lectures on almost any area of astronomy, and makes regular media appearances (including local and national TV and radio). When he is not doing outreach, Matt is an observational astronomer, who uses a range of state-of-the-art observing facilities to study the evolution of galaxies across cosmic time.

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