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The Mathematical Theory of Communication

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Scientific knowledge grows at a phenomenal pace--but few books have had as lasting an impact or played as important a role in our modern world as The Mathematical Theory of Communication, published originally as a paper on communication theory more than fifty years ago. Republished in book form shortly thereafter, it has since gone through four hardcover and sixteen paperback printings. It is a revolutionary work, astounding in its foresight and contemporaneity. The University of Illinois Press is pleased and honored to issue this commemorative reprinting of a classic.

"A beautiful example of a theory that unifies hitherto separate branches of physical science, and Dr. Weaver makes important suggestions as to how this unity may be extended to include semantics and pragmatics."--Philosophical Review

"This book cannot be ignored by anyone with direct professional concern with these applications and many applied physicists without this concern should, like the reviewer, find the book absorbing."--S. Whitehead, British Journal of Applied Physics

"Readers who are interested in language, communication, meaning, and related problems will find this monograph rewarding."--Quarterly Review of Biology

Author: Shannon Claude
Pages: 125
ISBN: 9780252725487
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 1998

O Claude Shannon είναι ο άνθρωπος που θεμελιώνει θεωρητικά την εποχή της πληροφορίας. Ήδη από τη δεκαετία του '30, θεωρείτε το πιο σημαντικό σε όλη τη σύγχρονη επιστήμη μιας και εκεί διατυπώνεται για πρώτη φορά η ιδέα της ταύτισης προτασιακού λογισμού και ηλεκτρονικών κυκλωμάτων. Η θεωρία πληροφοριών που θα διατυπώσει την δεκαετία του '40 θα είναι η απαρχή μιας γόνιμης περιόδου με εργασίες που ξεκινούν από τη κρυπτολογία έως τη θεωρία γράφων, τον προγραμματισμό υπολογιστών που να παίζουν σκάκι, η ακόμη και την διατύπωση μιας εξίσωσης που να περιγράφει ταχυδακτυλουργικά κόλπα.

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