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Water Always Wins: Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge

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A journey through time and around the world to uncover water's true nature, and how it can help us adapt to climate change.

Trouble with water – increasingly frequent, extreme floods and droughts – is one of the first obvious signs of climate change. Meanwhile, urban sprawl, industrial agriculture and engineered water infrastructure are making things worse. As our control attempts fail, we are forced to recognize an eternal truth: sooner or later, water always wins.

Award-winning science journalist Erica Gies follows water 'detectives' as they search for clues to water's past and present. Their tools: cutting-edge science and research into historical ecology, animal life, and earlier human practices. Their discoveries: a deeper understanding of what water wants and how accommodating nature can protect us and other species.

Modern civilizations tend to speed water away. We have forgotten that it must flex with the rhythms of the earth, and that only collaboration with nature will allow us to forge a more resilient future.

Author: Gies Erica
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781800247376
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Erica Gies is an award-winning journalist and National Geographic Explorer based in Victoria, British Columbia and San Francisco. She writes about water, climate change, plants and critters for the New York TimesAtlanticGuardianEconomistScientific AmericanNew ScientistWired, and other publications.

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