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What Makes a Social Crisis?: The Societalization of Social Problems

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In this book, Jeffrey Alexander develops a new sociological theory of social crisis, which he calls societalization. He argues that crises are triggered not by objective social strains but by the discourse and institutions of the civil sphere. In the steady state, reactions to strains unfold within institutional boundaries, handled by organizational elites according to sphere-specific logics. Institutional boundaries can be breached only if there is code switching. When strains become subject to the utopian aspirations of the civil sphere, there emerges widespread anguish about social justice and the future of democratic life. Once admired institutional elites come to be represented as perpetrators, and the civil sphere becomes intrusive legally and organizationally, demanding repairs in the name of civil purification. Resisting such repair, institutional elites foment backlash, and a war of the spheres ensues.

Alexander shows how this theory enables us to understand in a new way some of the major social crises of recent years, including the 2008 financial crisis, the Church pedophilia crisis that emerged in 2002, the phone-hacking crisis that exploded in the UK in 2011, and the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment in the workplace, which began with the Harvey Weinstein expose in 2017, and is still on-going today.

A major new work by one of the leading social theorists in the world today, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars in sociology, politics and the social sciences generally.

Author: Alexander Jeffrey
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9781509538256
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2019

Preface and Acknowledgements

Introduction: Societalization in Society

Chapter 1: What Is Societalization and How Does it Happen?

Chapter 2: Who Are the Agents of Societalization?

Chapter 3: Why Does Societalization NOT Happen?

Chapter 4: Church Pedophilia

Chapter 5: Financial Crisis

Chapter 6: Phone Hacking

Chapter 7: #MeToo

Conclusion: Societalization in Theory



Jeffrey C. Alexander is Lillian Chavenson Saden Professor of Sociology at Yale University.

Peter Kivisto is Richard Swanson Professor of Social Thought and Chair of Sociology at Augustana College.

Giuseppe Sciortino is Professor of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento.

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