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White Poverty: How Exposing Myths About Race and Class Can Reconstruct American Democracy

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An explosive work with far-ranging historical implications, White Poverty promises to be one of the most influential books of the 2024 US election cycle

When most Americans think of poverty, they imagine Black faces. As a teenager, Reverend William J Barber II recalls seeing Black mothers interviewed on television whenever there was a story on food stamps or unemployment; poverty, then as now, was depicted as an essentially Black problem. In a work that promises to have lasting repercussions, Barber—now a leading advocate for the rights of America's poor and the “closest person we have to Dr King” (Cornel West)—addresses white poverty as a hugely neglected subject that might just be the key to mitigating racism and bringing together the tens of millions working-class and impoverished whites with low-income Blacks. Recognising that angry social media posts have replaced food, education and housing as a “salve” for the white poor, Barber contends that the millions of America’s lowest-income earners have much in common, and together with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, provides one of the most sympathetic and visionary approaches to endemic poverty in decades.
Author: Barber William
Publisher: NORTON
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781324094876
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2024

Reverend William J. Barber II is a Protestant minister, social activist, professor, and founding director of the Center for Public Theology and Public Policy at Yale Divinity School. President of Repairers of the Breach, Barber will lead the Poor People’s Campaign’s March on Washington in June 2024.

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